Architectural finishes are a range of surface coverings that transform the look of existing fixtures and fittings. The materials can be applied to almost any surface and can be moulded to complex shapes and contours, giving a luxurious look to outdated fixtures and furnishings at a fraction of the cost of replacement.

Interior Makeover

In a hotel environment, an entire transformation can be completed during room changeover, meaning no lost revenue. The near silent, clean and solvent-free installation also means no disruption to hotel guests.
A typical application to a fire door can take as little as one hour, and cost a fraction of the amount when compared to purchasing new doors.
- Stay up to date with interior design trends
- Completely change the appearance of walls, doors, and floors
- Apply to worn or faded furniture to create the appearance of brand new items

In retail environments, renovations are frequent due to ever-changing market demands and high levels of wear and tear from heavy footfall. Customers are drawn to aesthetics first, and attractive, fresh-feeling surroundings create a great first impression. Projecting a high-quality image is essential for building the trust and loyalty that keeps customers coming back.
- Revitalise existing counters and checkouts
- Easily rebrand when taking over a premises by covering previous fixtures
- Quickly repair damaged areas without replacing an entire unit

Refresh and upgrade your space to keep your team engaged and your visitors impressed. Fast installation at your location ensures minimal downtime and interruption to productivity. Specialist architectural films are becoming ever more popular and cost-effective, as they enable refurbishment of existing fixtures and furniture. With the working environment flexible between home and the office, and social distancing in place, agile working is important. Making visual enhancements is beneficial for staff well being, creating break out areas and defining working spaces.
- Save thousands of pounds refurbishing counters, reception desks, and board room furniture
- Combine with wall logos and graphics to create branded environments
- Enjoy your office space as more than just a place to work

Residential & high footfall
Use architectural finishes at home to get the unique look you’ve always dreamed of. Customise your living quarters with natural textures that will last years, or until the next interior design trend!
- Replicate solid marble countertops at a fraction of the cost
- Apply to cabinets to modernise the kitchen area
- Upcycle old wardrobes, furniture and fixed furnishings to make do and mend staying environmentally friendly
- Create a space that feels contemporary
- Create impactful full-colour interiors with printed wallpaper
Specialist architectural films are becoming ever more popular and cost-effective, as they enable the refurbishment of existing fixtures and furniture.
For high-impact interior designs, our bespoke printed wallpaper can be used. Wallpaper is available in one piece lengths of up to 15m long, to create visually stunning backdrops.

Healthcare spaces
Sauce offers a wide range of antibacterial films which are perfect for hospital environments, where cleanliness and hygiene are of the utmost importance.
As well as physical health a patient’s emotional well-being is under pressure during times of illness. Keeping surroundings pleasant will help ease the minds of those spending sometimes lengthy stretches in healthcare facilities.
- Create impactful interiors with full colour printed wallpaper
- Improve staff productivity with a welcoming environment
- Directional signage, plaques and directory signs help with navigation